Lettre du 31 mars 2020

Dear parents,
Dear friends,

"Embracing the Lord in order to embrace hope: that is the strength of faith,
which frees us from fear and gives us hope. "

Pope Francis, Urbi and Orbi March 27, 2020

It is in this hope that we express our communion to you, in this time of trial of the Coronavirus pandemic where God renews his call to us to live by faith and trust in him.

Because of the fragile situation of contagion, in submission to the decisions taken by the ecclesial and civil authorities for the good of all, our liturgies can be celebrated only within the framework of our communities alone and our hospitality areas remain closed.
Rest assured in our closeness of prayer and fraternal love. It is in your name and in the name of all our brothers and sisters around the world that we dedicate ourselves to adoration and incessant intercession to the Father, beseeching Him that none of His little ones be lost.

We especially pray for all of you and your loved ones who are sick, struggling between life and death and for all those who are called to help them.

We allow ourselves to entrust to your prayer our monastery Notre-Dame de Clémence, south of France, where almost all the sisters have the coronavirus, including the chaplain who was hospitalized. A sister over 80 is particularly fragile. The contagion happened through a priest from Marseilles who had come to give a session before confinement and who was a carrier without knowing it. Our sisters are currently completely quarantined, without office and without mass.

This year 2020, which will mark the 70th anniversary of the dogma of the Assumption, turns our eyes toward the one who precedes us, and who is a great sign of hope for the suffering humanity. "A Woman, the sun envelops her, the moon is under her feet, twelve stars crown her head ... She cries in the pangs of birth" "Pangs of birth still going on", Saint Paul reminds us.

May Christ, who resolutely takes the path of his Passover in these days, make us taste the victory and the peace of His Resurrection.

Sister Emmanuel,
Brother Jean-Baptiste,

Monastery Notre-Dame de Clémence — La Verne


Litany of Supplication

We adore you, O Lord
True God and true man, truly present in this holy Sacrament.

We adore you, O Lord

Our Savior, God with us, faithful and rich in mercy

We adore you, O Lord

King and Lord of creation and of history

We adore you, O Lord

Conqueror of sin and death

We adore you, O Lord

Friend of humankind, the Risen One, the Living One who sits at the right hand of the Father.

We adore you, O Lord
We believe in you, O Lord
Only begotten Son of the Father, descended from heaven for our salvation

We believe in you, O Lord

Heavenly physician, who bows down over our misery

We believe in you, O Lord

Lamb who was slain, who offer yourself to rescue us from evil

We believe in you, O Lord

Good Shepherd, who give your life for the flock which you love

We believe in you, O Lord

Living bread and medicine for immortality, who give us eternal life

We believe in you, O Lord

Deliver us, O Lord
From the power of Satan and the seductions of the world

Deliver us, O Lord

From the pride and presumption of being able to do anything without you

Deliver us, O Lord

From the deceptions of fear and anxiety

Deliver us, O Lord

From unbelief and desperation

Deliver us, O Lord

From hardness of heart and the incapacity to love

Deliver us, O Lord

Save us, O Lord
From every evil that afflicts humanity

Save us, O Lord

From hunger, from famine and from egoism

Save us, O Lord

From illnesses, epidemics and the fear of our brothers and sisters

Save us, O Lord

From devastating madness, from ruthless interests and from violence

Save us, O Lord

From being deceived, from false information and the manipulation of consciences

Save us, O Lord

Comfort us, O Lord
Protect your Church which crosses the desert

Comfort us, O Lord

Protect humanity terrified by fear and anguish

Comfort us, O Lord

Protect the sick and the dying, oppressed by loneliness

Comfort us, O Lord

Protect doctors and healthcare providers exhausted by the difficulties they are facing

Comfort us, O Lord

Protect politicians and decision makers who bear the weight of having to make decisions

Comfort us, O Lord
Grant us your Spirit, O Lord
In the hour of trial and from confusion

Grant us your Spirit, O Lord

In temptation and in our fragility

Grant us your Spirit, O Lord

In the battle against evil and sin

Grant us your Spirit, O Lord

In the search for what is truly good and true joy

Grant us your Spirit, O Lord

in the decision to remain in you and in your friendship

Grant us your Spirit, O Lord

Open us to hope, O Lord
Should sin oppress us

Open us to hope, O Lord

Should hatred close our hearts

Open us to hope, O Lord

Should sorrow visit us

Open us to hope, O Lord

Should indifference cause us anguish

Open us to hope, O Lord

Should death overwhelm us

Open us to hope, O Lord